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[技术分析] 喊牛市的人们啊, 对AAPL 有何感想呢? ,,,NQ 里面的权重股

喊牛市的人们啊, 对AAPL 有何感想呢? 今天都 500 了从开年下来跌 10 % 了  ,,,NQ 里面的权重股。。。所以还是那句话, 喊神马牛熊都不重要, 看神马点位更没用。 关键还是做神马股票。。。做空AAPL 几个月的这一路下来就是赚到了。
在即将出暖花开时, 苹果却悄然掉落。
BOT AAPL at 500 by preset mine
500 very strong support point
好酒 发表于 2013-1-14 09:40

    这周大 OE。。。 而 AAPL  和  GOOG  的  ER 都在下周... 所以MM暂时HOLD 在这里,
500 very strong support point
好酒 发表于 2013-1-14 11:40

500 most likely will be break soon. i mean close below it for multiple days. Just think that there are so many people have pick aapl up at 500, you think WS is going to leave them on the table?

500 very strong support point