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[讨论] 請教 - Where Can I Find China A-Share's Stock Charts?

Just curious.
Any website provides the chart and/or real-time quotes?

若你也吵A股, 交流交流
Me only do the ETFs (红利ETF,50ETF等等等等) - you need to have enough cash. So if you  ...
not4weak 发表于 2011-6-17 14:38

Good point!  Can I open a margin account for trading A share?
I finally got an account set up.  Now what?
There are more than 1000 stocks and some ETFs.  I have  ...
snowrider 发表于 2011-6-16 13:32

Me only do the ETFs (红利ETF,50ETF等等等等) - you need to have enough cash. So if you sell it, you can't use that money immediately.
The one that I download from the broker's website is called "海王星".  It's not an ideal one because it does not have the Stop Order feature.

If by chance anyone knows any good trading platform for A股, please let me know.  I'll switch broker because I need a trading platform that is the most professional one.
本帖最后由 snowrider 于 2011-6-16 15:45 编辑

I finally got an account set up.  Now what?
There are more than 1000 stocks and some ETFs.  I have no idea where to start.  Maybe it's simpler for me to just trade their ETFs?  Anyone is doing that?

BTW, if I buy a stock today, does it have a restriction on the number of days that I need to hold that stock before selling it?  After I sell a stock, when can I use that money to buy a different stock?

I'll appreciate your info and help very much.
aimei - Thanks.  Is 同花顺 the iPhone app that you are referring to?  Does it support HTC?
snowrider 发表于 2011-6-12 21:59

I am not sure
I have someone taking care my account
My brokerage is  not 同花顺, but I like to check info in that
Good luck
回复  snowrider
1 中国银河
2 国信证券
3 国泰君安
比较大, 你打个电话过去问问. 各家都不同.
等有 ...
not4weak 发表于 2011-6-12 23:34

Good idea.  I'll call each of them.
回复 11# snowrider
1 中国银河
2 国信证券
3 国泰君安
比较大, 你打个电话过去问问. 各家都不同.
等有空, 也许可以给你问问海通的朋友.
回复  snowrider

Any broker will provide that GTC or stop, that is basic. I used changjiang, hait ...
not4weak 发表于 2011-6-12 12:12

not4weak - Few more questions ... I am wondering if any brokerage firm provides a trading platform that can allow me to open a new position by using a stop order?  Contigent order?  Braket order?  What is the best trading software (charting and placing order) for trading A-Share that you would recommend?  Any website or software for screening?  I appreciate your help very much!
aimei 发表于 2011-6-12 13:12

aimei - Thanks.  Is 同花顺 the iPhone app that you are referring to?  Does it support HTC?
回复  snowrider

Any broker will provide that GTC or stop, that is basic. I used changjiang, hait ...
not4weak 发表于 2011-6-12 12:12

Thanks again!
回复 4# 何鸿燊

何鸿燊版主 - Thanks!
回复 3# snowrider

Any broker will provide that GTC or stop, that is basic. I used changjiang, haitong etc.
for the alert feature, some may have it, you can ask around when you open the account.