据说是某MIT学生的项目,sponsored by MyShelter 基金。 :这个看上去好环保啊,就那么往可乐瓶里加点水和类似洗衣粉的东东……不知道下雨天屋顶会不会漏啊,这真的不是忽悠吗?
MyShelter Foundation was established by Illac Diaz to create a system of sustainability and reliability through its capability-building and employment-generating projects. Introducing groundbreaking social enterprise, appropriate technologies, and alternative construction in the Philippines, we have pioneered projects such as the Pier One Seafarer's Dormitory, the Design Against the Elements (DAtE) competition, and the Bottle School Project.
Isang Litrong Liwanag (A Liter of Light), is a sustainable lighting project which aims to bring the eco-friendly Solar Bottle Bulb to disprivileged communities nationwide. Designed and developed by students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Solar Bottle Bulb is based on the principles of Appropriate Technologies – a concept that provides simple and easily replicable technologies that address basic needs in developing communities.