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Talked to a few traders that are shorting indexes, it is completely a torture. The sector rotation keeps them propped up.
Bought some TNA, Some APPLE
NQ target: 84.75, 89.75, 89 & 4204/4209
Sold TSLA, no follow through

Hold BIDU but keep tight stop, watch BABA
Bought back some BABA
Sold tube earning tonight

Can buy back after er. No gamble for me

Sold apple
Too slow
TSLA still fair, struggle with 50 day
我自己的看法就是(当然我经常错, 娱乐一哈), 现在大盘就是 pause 一下, 喘喘气, 勾引更多的熊熊, 昨天贴过两次:

Talked to a few traders that are shorting indexes, it is completely a torture. The sector rotation keeps them propped up.

现在就是遵义会议, 四渡赤水的时候, 革命成功的希望很飘渺, 又很真实的

熊熊就跟蒋委员长一样, 时不时high 一下, 因为前方又传来了捉到朱毛的消息了, 到目前为止, 共捉到了8个毛泽东, 7个朱德。
NQ target: 84.75, 89.75, 89 & 4204/4209
沉默的大多数 发表于 2014-11-12 10:04

你如果做 future的话, 这可能是另外的一个, 这就看 robots 选哪个去 run

NQ 96, 4204, 4212, 4227

有时候很难判断 robots run 哪一个, 两个都参考一下吧
回复  沉默的大多数

    TNA target?
wonder54 发表于 2014-11-12 11:52

    No target. Just follow it. But if you really want, there is a bowl there. You can extend bowl depth
Take a look at twtr. It is aversion stage. You can get in when it revisit pre high and get into denial stage to ride the quick up
1235678 发表于 2014-11-12 13:22

    Thanks, emperor.
CYBR earning out

Great stock to watch
NQ target 4204, 4212, 4227 should work during globex session