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标题: [闲谈] 美国政府宣布破产 [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2014-3-13 16:53     标题: 美国政府宣布破产

本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2014-3-13 20:06 编辑

其实对百姓有好处, 这样百姓的财富还可以保留一下。 想目前这样通过通货膨胀来掠夺别国,也害了国内的中产,不会太久了

其他国家如果意识到手里的美元垃圾, 就不卖货给美国用了, 基本玩完。

Epoch Times: That can’t go on forever right?
Mr. Schiff: When the world figures out that we conned them and they are holding a bunch of worthless IOUs, they are going to stop exporting. It doesn’t mean that they are going to stop producing goods. It just means that their own citizens will consume them. Which will be better for them, but that’s when the party ends in the U.S. Because without the world to supply us with the goods that we don’t produce, there is almost nothing to buy.

If there is almost nothing to buy, it doesn’t matter how much money consumers will spend. There is nothing there, it’s just inflation. All our policies are about putting money in the pockets of consumers. But money doesn’t do you any good if there is almost nothing to buy. And where is this stuff coming from? It’s coming from the productive efforts of people outside of America.
作者: not4weak    时间: 2014-3-13 18:48


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