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标题: [闲谈] 看高盛银行的人都在电梯里面讲什么八卦(转) [打印本页]

作者: 风吹    时间: 2014-3-3 00:11     标题: 看高盛银行的人都在电梯里面讲什么八卦(转)

2012-04-13 18:03:15

#1: Those who can do, do. Those who can't, work at Morgan Stanley.

#1: The lottery is just a way of taxing poor people who don't know math.

#1: If life's a game, money is how you keep score.

#1: Magazines dedicate entire issues to 'Women in Business.' #2: How much can you write about secretaries? #2 (to Skirt#1): Kidding.

[CLASSIC] #1: Some chick asked me what I would do with 10 million bucks. I told her I'd wonder where the rest of my money went.

#1: Coupon… Food stamps for the middle class.

#1: I love it when someone starts a sentence with 'When I was at Goldman Sachs'... Well, you aren't at Goldman Sachs now, cocksucker.

#1: Know the difference between a buy-side and a sell-side guy? The buy-side guy says 'Fuck you' before they hang up the phone.

[Classic] #1: I wish I invested in poverty. It's up 60% since 2001. #2: We did.

#1: I pick up my 458 Italia on Tuesday. #2: You need to save some stuff for your mid-life crisis.

#1: I deleted my birthdate from Facebook the week before my birthday. Only 3 of my friends remembered.

ED#1 (to 1st year Analyst): I would agree with you, but then we'd both be fucking wrong.

#1: Asian girlfriends are just whores who get paid in Louis Vuitton.

#1: Linsanity is destroying my basketball league. Every Asian kid thinks they're 6 inches taller all of a sudden.

[Harvard] #1: I got a job at McKinsey, the Goldman of consulting. #2: I got a job at Goldman, the fucking Goldman of banking.

#1: I already know I'm going to Hell. So, at this point it's go big or go home.

[Classic] #1: Living my life is like playing Call of Duty on Easy. I just go around and fuck shit up.

#1: I tell every new hire the same thing. Spend that cash. No one needs a $100 million funeral. #2: Or a $50 million ex-wife.

#1: Hey, do you have change for a $20? #2: $20's are change, bro.

[Classic] #1: If you can only be good at one thing, be good at lying… Because if you're good at lying, you're good at everything.

MD #1: I would vote for Obama... just to watch him age for another 4 years.

#1: AAPL says the US doesn't have workers w/ the skills to make iPhones. #2: It takes a lot of skill to survive on 70¢ an hour.

#1: I don't let my kids watch Lady Gaga. She has such a negative message... If you're ugly, you have to dress like a freak.

#1: Filing for bankruptcy is a Kodak moment.
#1:申请破产是一个柯达时刻(厄。。。柯达刚申请破产,他们当年的广告词就是Kodak moment)

[Columbia lecture today] Prof: Why's it so hard to get a job at Goldman Sachs? Student: I'm not the right person to ask, I got an offer.

[Classic] #1: Blacking out is just your brain clearing it's browser history.

#1: In the words of Benjamin Franklin, 'if we say that money doesn't buy happiness, it might stop poor people from robbing us.'

#1: The PWM chicks know how to dress. #2 (nods): Pretty good wife material. Hot but not slutty-looking. Smart but not too smart.

#1: My only real concern about Romney is that he doesn't drink. How can we trust him?

#1: if you have a job where you have to wear a nametag, nobody gives a shit what your name is.

#1: Bank of America is the Kmart of banks.  #2: Kmart sucks.  #1: Thanks, Rain Man.

ED#1 (to 1st year analysts): If I ever hear about something I say mentioned on Twitter, I'll fucking kill you.

#1: Only 55% of Americans between the ages of 16-29 have jobs. #2: Fuck them. They got that ass clown elected in the first place.

#1: Whenever I see a black guy with my last name, I can't help but wonder if my family used to own his.

#1: Obama is aging fast enough for Morgan Freeman to play him in a movie.
#1:奥巴马衰老得那么快,Morgan Freeman快可以在电影里面演他了

#1: Almost time for children to learn a valuable life lesson. Santa loves rich kids more.

#1: Fact. Nearly 50% of all American workers have less than $10k saved for retirement. #2: Fuck. That wouldn't cover a ski weekend.

#1: I love watching Asian guys smell and swirl their wine obnoxiously. And then their faces get all blotchy. Pussies.

#1: If people never trust a skinny chef, they shouldn't want their bankers to be poor.

#1: Fuck that. When I was an analyst, I had to eat an entire 'wasabi roll'. What we called team-building, you faggots call bullying.

#1: Sending flowers to her office is like a big neon sign to her coworkers saying, "The asshole screwed up again."

#1: If you want a friend, get a dog. If you want a friend with benefits, find some chick who's in PR.

MD#1: Every horrible wife starts out as an adorable girlfriend.

#1: The only reason I do yoga is so I can meet girls. #2: I just tell chicks I do yoga.

#1: He's got 1,800 Facebook friends, and can't get 40 people to go to his wedding.

#1: Swinging by Tiffany's to buy a gift. #2 (looks cynically): Why don't you get her something nice?

#1: Getting rich isn't that hard. Any hot girl with questionable morals can do it.

#1: Being a Republican voter is like being a mid-30s chick, you'll just have to settle. And you've probably had better.

Skirt#1: I have a Birkin bag, but I think it's totally inappropriate for client meetings.

#1: It's a make-or-break week for Europe. #2: They say that every week...The EU has more rescue plans than Obama has vacation days.

[classic] #1: Miami this weekend. #2: Where you staying? #1: Haven't booked yet. Planning's for the poor.

#1: Climbing Mount Everest is the hardest thing I've ever done on my résumé.

#1: A protester sees my Benz, and wants to rip me out of it. A real man sees my car, and wants to work hard so he can buy it one day.

#1: Being spotted in economy class must be like having your parents visit you at boarding school in a shitty rental car.

[classic] #1: You're going to Hell in just about any religion. #2: First class, baby...

#1: Black Friday is the Special Olympics of capitalism.

#1: It used to be that if you could predict a market event, you could predict a market response. Now, you can’t predict either.

#1: Knowing that you don't understand women is understanding women. #2: Thanks Socrates.

#1: Thanks to the economic crisis, waitressing got upgraded from a job to a career.

#1: I would join them, but I have to occupy this job so I can go home and occupy my wife.

#1: If Occupy Wall Street had happened 15 or 20 years ago, Obama would've been right out there with them, 'organizing.'

#1: Life is short. #2: It's the longest thing I'll ever do.

1: My professor at Wharton always said, 'you can marry more money in 5 minutes than you can make in a lifetime, even at Goldman Sachs.'

#1: Congress is allowed to trade on insider information. #2: And only half of them are millionaires. #1: Losers.

#1: I've never said I 'hate' anyone because that would imply I had any emotion for them whatsoever.

#1: Wives & Girlfriends are temporary. Ex-Wives & Ex-Girlfriends last forever. #2: Who said that? #1: Kenny Powers.
#1:老婆,女友都是暂时的。前妻和前女友才是永恒的。#2:谁说的? #1: Kenny Powers(这谁呀???)

#1: The only reason I have a home phone is so I can find my cell phone. #2: Our maid does that.

#1 (smugly): My Mom always said I was 'one-in-a-million.' #2: So, that means there are 7,000 people just like you.

#1: We're going to dress up as Wiseguys for Halloween. Flashy suits & cheap jewelry. #2: People will just think you work at Morgan Stanley.

#1: Don't worry, some people are their own punishment in life.

[HK] Gweilo #1: It's pretty amazing how many people in Chengdu say their name is Ross, Rachel, Chandler, or Monica.

A#1: Alcohol won’t solve your problems. A#2: Tofu and yoga won't solve yours.

#1: I always tell my Chinese clients, 'Being morally bankrupt won’t affect your credit rating.'

1: HK chicks go to China to buy fake Louis Vuitton shit & mainlanders come to HK to buy the real shit. 2: So then who shops at Coach?

A#1: Bill Gates has a 15-year old daughter. A#2: Shit. I can wait 3 years. A#1: Less than that if she does semester abroad somewhere cool.

#1: I don't even remember how I managed to ignore my wife at dinner before the Blackberry era.

#1: I sent Morgan Stanley my resume. #2: Why? #1: So i could reject them again.

FID#1: Hong Kong sales can expense 'karaoke' bars where girls go home with you, and I get shit about a $1k dinner. Fuck that.

#1: You see that insider trading story? #2: The most embarrassing thing is that he only made like $60k. #1: If you're gonna do it, DO it!

#1: I always stand further back from the urinal so people think my dick's bigger. #2: What happens if they look over. #1: They never look.

#1: Bali. Jo wants a destination wedding. #2: Nice, and the benefit of being far away, it'll filter out any poor people u have to invite.

[New Associates] FID#1: "You look like u didn't go home last night." IBD#1: "You look like u don't remember getting home last night."

Suit#1: "Irene f*cked up my weekend. Next available flight is in economy." Suit#2: "I would rather not fly."

Suit#1: "Was that really an earthquake?" Suit#2: "No, I just dropped my wallet." (laughter)

MD: (on cell phone getting into elevator) "Fuck you." Hangs up. "Good Morning."
作者: aimei    时间: 2014-3-3 00:19

作者: 风吹    时间: 2014-3-3 00:27

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作者: dreamr    时间: 2014-3-3 01:10

作者: jalicocat    时间: 2014-3-3 01:46

作者: 紫衣女神捕    时间: 2014-3-3 02:03

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作者: 沁颍    时间: 2014-3-3 08:05

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作者: blueant    时间: 2014-3-3 09:01


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