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标题: 为啥乔布斯的梅赛德斯从来没有车牌? [打印本页]

作者: 马丁    时间: 2011-10-27 13:11     标题: 为啥乔布斯的梅赛德斯从来没有车牌?

source: ... ad-a-license-plate/

Why Steve Jobs’ Mercedes Never Had a License Plate

By Alex Heath (5:11 pm, Oct. 26, 2011)

Jobs would regularly park his Mercedes in a handicap spot on Apple's campus

到底是幸运没有被抓到, 还是Jobs拥有特权或是缴交罚款了事呢?事实上方法相当简单, Steve Jobs钻了一个法律上的漏洞. 当地法律规定新车车主仅需在6个月内将车牌挂上.因此Jobs要求汽车租赁公司每半年就为他换上一台新的同款车型. 如此就可以永远不必挂上车牌.

而这样不仅Steve Jobs达到他想要的目的, 对于租车公司来说每半年就有一台Steve Jobs曾经驾驶过的高级轿车出售. 因此对Steve Jobs, 车商, 买车的人成为三赢的局面.

Besides his signature black turtleneck, New Balance sneakers, and blue jeans, Steve Jobs was known for his silver Mercedes SL55 AMG. What was perhaps most interesting about Jobs’ ride was the fact that it never had a license plate.

Jobs’ Mercedes was photographed many times over the last several years, but the car was always plate-free. How did he do it? Did he pay the fine every time he was confronted by the police? Did he obtain a special permit? Did he just get lucky?

The answer is actually very simple.

ITWire explains (via The Loop):

Steve (or someone close to him) spotted a loophole in the California vehicle laws.  Anyone with a brand new car had a maximum of six months to affix the issued number plate to the vehicle.

So Jobs made an arrangement with the leasing company; he would always change cars during the sixth month of the lease, exchanging one silver Mercedes SL55 AMG for another identical one.  At no time would he ever be in a car as old as six months; and thus there was no legal requirement to have the number plates fitted.

One might also assume that the leasing company was happy – they had an endless supply of luxury cars to on-sell with the previous driver being none-other that Steve Jobs.

That would be a win-win-win situation for Steve, the leasing company and for the subsequent buyer.


作者: seu    时间: 2011-10-27 14:16

作者: 静玖    时间: 2011-10-27 18:37

作者: linyifan88    时间: 2011-10-28 01:03


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