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标题: 惠普花了八千多万美元开除CEO [打印本页]

作者: 马丁    时间: 2011-9-27 12:26     标题: 惠普花了八千多万美元开除CEO

Source: ... get-rid-of-its-ceos

2005年,卡莉·费奥丽娜(Cara Carleton)获得超过4200万的离职奖金;如果将股票、期权和退休金都计算在内,马克·赫德(Mark Hurd)将收获1220万美元;只上任11个月的李艾科(Leo Apotheker)据报将获得2520万美元的遣散费。分析师认为,如果新任CEO惠特曼(Meg Whitman)最终也与董事会一拍两散,那么她获得离职金也许能补贴一下加州州长败选中投入的1.19亿美元开支。

Analysis published today shows that Hewlett-Packard has shelled out over $80 million to get rid of three CEOs since 2005. The first CEO to take her expensive exit, Carly Fiorina, received over $42 million, once stocks, options, and pension are factored in. Mark Hurd, after just four years, received $12.2 million to take his exit; and now, after 11 months, Leo Apotheker will walk out with a reported $25.2 million in severance. With eBay's Meg Whitman in as the new CEO at HP, industry analyst Robert McGarvey writes today that 'the HP gig could help Whitman replenish her personal coffers, depleted by the pumping of $119 million into a futile bid to become California's governor.'

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