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[转贴] 金雕从天而降:当着亲爹抓走玩耍宝宝


2012年12月19日 16:05

在蒙特利尔的一个公园,1个父亲正在拍天上翱翔的金雕(Golden eagle),金雕突然从天而降,抓起在正在玩耍的宝宝,父亲反应过来大骂一声冲上去,金雕受惊后将婴儿丢在草地上。网友评论:幸亏孩子胖,否则危险了。

为了抗日,请大家抵制日货,抵制 iPhone 5 http://www.yayabay.com/forum/thread-218342-1-3.html
幸好金雕爪子也没用力,不然一击能踢断成年动物的脊椎骨= =
本帖最后由 风云无际 于 2012-12-20 05:35 编辑




另外@果壳网  微博说:鸟人@quepinjia  表示,金雕次级飞羽没有浅色羽缘,所以视频里的雕看起来就很怪。



这是动画小组的访谈http://www.globalnews.ca/fake+vi ... 42775064/story.html
The idea took flight about five or six weeks ago. Once the project was approved, they made a deal with their teacher that if the video surpassed 100,000 views on YouTube, they would get 100 per cent on the assignment.
It did much better than that, wildly growing past 5 million views by Wednesday afternoon, which made the 400 hours they put into the project well worth it.
The video was picked up by dozens of media outlets across Canada, the United States and Europe.
“We were also surprised by the events,” Claude Arsenault, spokesperson for the school, told the Star.
“We’ve done some hoaxes in that class before, but they never reached such proportions. We were the first ones this morning to see the numbers going up,” she said. “We’re very proud of our students. This was definitely great quality work. Needless to say the students will get a full mark on that assignment.”
Other hoaxes performed at the school involved a penguin that had apparently escaped from a zoo in Montreal (watch below).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U ... ure=player_embedded