Want the Best Deals? Check Twitter, Facebook
Companieshave traditionally let their customers know about sales and specialdiscounts through newspaper advertisements, radio spots, and in-storeannouncements. But now, they are increasingly turning to a moreavant-garde form of communication: Social networking sites.ftp.yayabay.com- G0 o$ q' r: R3 @
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Starbucks,Scottrade, and Zappos are among those using Twitter, Facebook, andYouTube to talk to customers--and to hear from them. "All thedepartments have gotten some sort of feedback from customers online. Webenefit and our customers benefit," says Amber Talbot, the onlinepublic relations specialist for Scottrade, which has two Twitter accounts, two Facebook accounts, and a YouTube account, where it posts educational videos.ftp.yayabay.com) G2 ^. _% d0 ~& J
[Slide Show: America's Most Profitable Malls.]
7 o3 f8 V* k; d华人论坛, 股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyerTalbotspends the majority of her day interacting with customers online.Recently, after a customer posted a question, Talbot immediatelyresponded and forwarded it to the customer service center, which alsocalled the customer--all within 10 minutes of his original question.丫丫的港湾 小说 股坛 海外华人 yayabay.com 全球华人+ W0 t8 N- P; D3 A2 x
"It'sa great way to connect with customers. It's where the people are," saysBridget Baker, spokeswoman for Starbucks. In addition to its Twitter account, which has over 245,000 followers and occasionally hosts contests for free giveaways, the coffee company has 3 million fans on Facebook,where it is giving away 800 coupons for pints of ice cream each hourthrough Sunday. On Election Day 2008, the company's coffee ad was thefourth most popular video on YouTube.
! R2 h* m# a2 u' u9 r0 m7 I1 M华人论坛, 股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyer"Companieswho use social media to communicate with their customers can do a greatdeal to improve their reputation and their customer service efforts,"says Brenda Powell, president of Social Networking Girls, which helpsmanage social media campaigns. She adds that it costs much less thantraditional forms of advertising.华人论坛, 股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyer+ |6 n0 f& {: B* P
Here are some of the other companies that you might find popping up on your favorite social networking site:
2 J. m2 K1 _3 c( Eftp.yayabay.comZappos: Tony Hsieh, chief executive of the online retailer, frequently posts Twitter updates.Recently, he included an inspiring quote from Winnie the Pooh ("Youcan't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come toyou. You've got to go to them sometimes."). He also mentions whichprominent people have been visiting Zappos headquarters (Sen. HarryReid and tennis star Serena Williams are among those who have droppedby). Zappos's discount sister site, www.6pm.com, uses its Twitter feedto post information on temporary discounts and exclusive offers toTwitter users. Recently, rubber boots usually priced at $145 wereoffered to followers for $49.95.
* A; h/ ~( Z2 y/ M4 f( ~2 N华人论坛, 股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyerMasterCard: Spokeswoman Linda Locke says the company recently started using Twitterto listen to what people are saying about the credit card industry andMasterCard itself. "We like the succinct tone and the ability to builda community over time," she says. The company hasn't used the feed forcontests or any special offerings for consumers, but it does respond tocustomers who post complaints on their own Twitter feeds. After aTwitter user wrote that his card had been "compromised" for the secondtime in a year, MasterCard responded via Twitter, "[Please directlymessage] me and let me see if I can help you out."& f4 |: l1 E0 ^5 w
The Gap: The retailer's Facebook pagehas over 300,000 fans, who talk about new styles as well as customerservice complaints. The company also uses the page to post videos,including one featuring Patrick Robinson, head designer of Gap,explaining why fashion doesn't have to be expensive.华人论坛, 股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyer4 t* [! g# H r' |- Z
[For more, read: Budgeting Finds Its Groove--Online.]丫丫的港湾 小说 股坛 海外华人 yayabay.com 全球华人- o! E7 s( h. D: f7 R( l8 y
Victoria's Secret: On its Facebook page,the lingerie company explains how to find the perfect bra fit, letscustomers design their ideal bikini, and polls visitors on who theythink is the sexiest president (President Obama and Harrison Ford fromthe movie Air Force One are among the choices). The company'spage has almost 2 million fans, who it frequently speaks to directlythrough wall posts. "Okay, ladies. What are you totally rocking rightnow? A maxi dress? Linen crops? Neons? Gladiators? Dish about yoursummer wardrobe musts here," one post urged. It received almost 2,000responses. The page also announces summer sales and other discounts.
' Z$ [0 X' D* ^% E丫丫的港湾 小说 股坛 海外华人 yayabay.com 全球华人Southwest Airlines: On Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Facebook,Southwest keeps customers up to date on the latest company news,including the recent emergency landing after a flight from Nashville toBaltimore unexpectedly depressurized and a hole was found in the top ofthe aircraft. The Twitter feed told followers that all of the otherBoeing 737s would be inspected overnight. It also answers customers'questions about everything from baggage rules to in-flight refreshments.华人论坛, 股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyer2 Y0 @0 \" d1 G; M2 G( k
Don'thave time to keep up on all the latest social networking sites?Consumers less inclined to follow the Twitter feeds and Facebook pagesof individual companies can instead tune in to people who scour theInternet for special deals and then post them in once place, such as RetailMeNot, DealDivine, and Dealyzer.
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