本帖最后由 aimei 于 2012-10-3 19:20 编辑
The Federal Deficit: The Congressional Budget Office estimates that by 2037, mandatory government spending on health care—much of which, again, involves Medicare spending—will account for 10 percent of the U.S. economy all by itself. As the AARP’s piece points out, any plan for reducing the deficit has to take Medicare into account; any suggestion that deficit-reduction can happen without controlling Medicare spending probably merits some deep skepticism (to put it politely).
“Obamacare” and Medicare: Romney’s promise to repeal Obamacare lock stock and barrel has been one of his most enduringly popular themes on the stump. There’s a chance the candidates could revive a past argument over the magic number of $716 billion : Obama’s camp has said that number represents savings attained through reforms; the GOP says it represents cuts in benefits to seniors. Obama may also argue tonight that repealing the Affordable Care Act will mean ditching several features of the bill that benefit seniors, including measures that plug the “doughnut hole” in Medicare’s prescription drug benefits.
Social Security: Romney told the AARP he approves of raising the retirement age and applying some means-testing for benefits; Obama has largely avoiding offering specifics on the issue. |